Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sanyo Xacti Vs Flip Minohd


In these days of economic talks last in the computer industry. Do not talk about the institutions, does not talk about printing on paper, he speaks instead "Point Computer" , an online journal in the field.

the fields of IT, given by the employee:

  • and 'arduous: The medical record for computer science visual impairment, the skeletal system, and the vegetative nervous system.
  • and 'unregulated: As in all other productive sectors of the law in force 40 hours a week, in the computer industry you work 80 hours per week.
  • and 'underpaid: Statistics The industry says that in Italy the level of pay and' in the European average. The statistic says that if you soak your feet in a block of ice and buried my head in a pot of boiling water, your average temperature 'own physiological ones of 36 degrees Celsius and then you're fine. In economics, with salaries on the one hand from 400 € bonuses and severance pay of a few million euro on the other, it states that statistical data are aligned to the European average. The problem remains that, in making the media, the statistical balance a handful of high salaries in a sea of \u200b\u200bvery low salaries. The actual average salary for a Computer in Italy, and 'of about € 600-800 per month, enough to rent a bedroom from third parties.
  • and 'precarious like others, worse than others. A job not

regulated, which will undertake the whole day, arduous, underpaid, and insecure, and 'precisely the definition of slavery' modern. Life-for-Food, your life in exchange for a voucher for the cafeteria. And we're not in Africa, we are in Italy. In Africa give away the oil, and have food in return. In Italy, by the way your youth, and you get to forty years with a hole in your pocket.

the fields of IT, given by the employer:

  • the only law that protects the software and 'the copyright
  • the copyright of the software produced by my employees belong to me;
  • My profit derived from licensing agreements for software product of my employees;
  • IT professionals are experienced adults, but the brakes bite to get a stable position to buy a house and raising a family, but I do not want to share my profits with them, so I take college graduates, young, full energy and innovative ideas, exploit them to 10-12 hours a day for € 600-800 per month until 'resist. When you are exhausted and depressed, I fire them and replace them with other recent graduates, and the cycle continues. Employees come and go, and it 'normal in a market which is worth the Biagi law. I remain the copyright owner, then continue to sell licenses.

The problem:

To really explain the problem, must compare the fields of IT to other profession regulated by the same law but which we have better insight. Since 'the only law that protects the computer and' copyright, and the Computer 'as the author of a book, and the companies' computer are like publishers. What happens if the authors of the books are also employees of the publishing house? By law, the copyright product by an employee belongs to the employer; copyright, created to protect the author, it becomes the property 'of the publisher. So the book and 'property' of the publishing house, salaried, and the author does not receive royalty. Instead, as is well known, an author of books alive by royalty, receiving even more when he writes, ' and his family will receive royalties of up to 70 years after his death. The software, however, and '"produced" in a collaborative manner by employees, and therefore belongs to the employer. Please read well the previous sentence, because it 's the key to the problem. It speaks of production or management of software, not by design, the companies 'Informatics in Italy, knowing the meaning of copyright, they look good by having designers, since' the work of a designer's copyright. The construction or operation of the software, instead, 'a collaborative work routine, as the unskilled workers in a construction company or building managers, and therefore do not qualify for copyright. There is in fact the design, but 'hidden, fragmented, carried out by people recruited as a "handyman", and not just show some level of originality', a manager intervenes to alter the shape of the invention so that it is clear that the work and 'property 'the company' of the author and not the employee. The publisher is the owner of the work, and continues to profit from it for an indefinite time, while the authors of the software are forced to work as laborers and receive no royalties. It is not 'never seen a job posting for "architect / builder," but you see ads all the time working for "an analyst / programmer / administrator." All this and 'obviously the result of the lack of a regulatory framework that gives dignity 'to the profession of designer Computer (recipient of royalties) and that distinguishes it clearly from that of Computer programmer / administrator (royalty-free, and therefore employee). What's even more 'crime and' exploitation of new graduates. It 's not at all true that recent graduates do not know how to work. In reality, 'The people are fresh graduates of studies to date, have physical and mental energy, have stamina, hold unimaginable pace of work for adults, and are real volcanoes of innovative ideas. Exploit them, and 'a crime. The State invests a lot in the universe ', not as in other countries, but it' still a considerable investment, whose fruits can not be wasted because of a market without ethics professional.

Parliament must wonder about the phenomenon, to regulate the computer industry and dignify 'an important and difficult profession. Software authors should receive royalties. Must separate from the designer's career Informatics Informatics programmer, so 'as it separates the architect's career from that of a bricklayer, plasterer, electrician, plumber, etc. Crafts projects and programs are in fact separate, but that the lack of regulation enables it to play under the same roof, with conflict of interest and abuse.


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