Quarterly Cash (March 2007)
"There's good news that was tabled by the Minister Padoa-Schioppa, the so-called quarterly cash that is received by the Treasury analysis of the revenue and expenditure in recent months due to the needs of was useful to check the health of public finances.
The public debt on a declining path. This is positive: the actions of the government in recent months have helped, the debt is lower and therefore there is expectation of economic improvement.
There have been more tax revenue: € 8-10 billion more were received in the state coffers, compared with forecasts of the last Budget. We discussed, and yet also be discussed in Parliament, the use of this money. (A. DiPietro)
Comment: Compared to my
note of January, the quarterly cash offers no reason for enthusiasm. I expect a victory. The public debt 'a heart attack, and not set at all. We must say where the money comes "in more '; what I see are largely due to fees incurred by FIAT. FIAT A budget does not make spring, it 'reduces the national debt. The revenue must be sustainable in the long term should involve the whole Italian production system, and must be accompanied by a more 'substantial reduction in expenditure by the government. The care and 'necessary and urgent, at least until the extinction of the debt. Deep cuts are needed to eliminate waste. It continues to cut down on health ', but the provinces are still standing. The provinces are useless! The 2007 budget keeps them, while cutting the health '!
With regard to health ', there are professionals in dispute, such as mutual dentist (who does not use any), osteopath (who often simply look at the plates and then diagnose a scoliosis and shipped by physiatrist), a physiatrist (which simply look at the plates and then diagnose a scoliosis and shipped by the physiotherapist), the physical therapist (often limited to using the machines, because 'unable to teach massage and postural exercises). In summary, the entire apparatus of health 'public regarding diagnosis and treatment for the column should be reformed, dismissing osteopaths, physiatrists and physical therapists, chiropractors and hiring. In the U.S., chiropractic and 'carried out directly by the practitioner, with a tangible benefit for the patient and substantial cost savings for everyone.
There are a sea of \u200b\u200bthings that the Italian state could and should do, if they really wanted.
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