Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Brownie Vest Patches Placement

elective method

The method of election by which the Italian people exercise sovereignty 'constitutional' a method described by decree-law, designed and delivered by the majority in the outgoing hope to regain power. For political ethics, in a parliamentary democracy, Parliament should be to maintain it, and never the Government.

As sovereign, at least in part, I ask the following:

1. that the method prince of our democracy be reformed by Parliament and not by the Government;

2. that ' Article 68 of the constitution is redrafted so as to reverse its contents, to ensure that the candidates elected represent their constituents on the basis of the political program for which they were voted;

3. The ministers are eligible directly from the citizen, based on specific electoral programs;

4. that suppresses the figure of the eligible candidate for prime minister, to be replaced with a picture of institutional political manager, elected jointly by the Ministers who are elected, and whose task is' to coordinate the work of the same ministers.

Cosi 'doing, citizens will express their will 'on specific topics without having to seek a political uniform for the Government. Sara 'can, for example, have a minister of the economy right, and a minister of equal opportunities' on the left. In this way, there will be 'an end to the problem of having to plug my nose and vote on the basis of a compromise. It will have 'a government in which individual ministers are directly responsible for their program and their actions before the law and the sovereign people. In making the charges directly to eligible, you will solve 'the problem of number of ministries, many of which can be managed more' efficiently combined them under one elected office. The election campaign will not be ' therefore a clash between media premier, but a civil and well informed discussion on specific topics of the various ministries, so that the citizen can express his self-criticism on the various aspects of 'government, without the need' to delegate a premier. The role of the minority will change accordingly, there will be no 'more' the minority, non-elected candidates will have the institutional duty to monitor the activities' of the Government.

In the specific case of this majority, I would have voted as follows:

Minister of Justice: DiPietro
Universities' Research and Education +: Modica
Health: Sirchia
Agriculture, Food and Forestry and Environment + Environment, Land and Sea: Alemanno

I also remember that this majority is not 'voted to establish the marriage between homosexual couples, it' to increase the number of taxes and their rates. The majority 'was elected to make the reforms necessary to cut the costs of politics, in order to make the state a bureaucratic machine efficient and economical, making the Italian economy and a modern liberal market economy in step with the international competition.


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