Re: New Year's Message President Napolitano's year-end news
Year's Message of the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano
Palazzo del Quirinale, December 31, 2006.
"To you who hear me, and all the Italians at home and abroad, our warmest wishes for a Happy New Year."
Thank you, too.
"Who hears me, and all Italian, I would say: do not walk away from politics. Participatio in every way possible, bring your ideas and forces young people. Contribute to renew it, to improve it culturally and morally. [...] Can not be locked up in their own personal horizons and private, only the policy choices may be needed by the general public, and citizen participation is essential so that those chosen to correspond to the common good. "
There are three issues for dialogue between the sovereign people and institutions.
The first problem 'represented by Article 68 of the Constitution, like I' have seen, no article explicitly states that candidates elected represent their constituents on the basis of the political program for which they were voted. Article 68 requires that the program can 'be rejected lying to the public. An example of this and 'the current Prodi government: elected to introduce structural reforms required the demolition of public debt, the Government has just approved a financial plan without structural reforms and new taxes. Article 68 should be revised and updated, in order to ensure that the business 'of government corresponds to the wishes' of the sovereign people. And 'the open question of the correctness of democratic institutions to the will' of the people.
The second problem is the dialogue following the campaign election. It 's not in fact accepted that a government elected on a program, is acting arbitrarily on any other matters not covered in the campaign. The Prodi government provides another example, euthanasia and gay marriage were not planned, but the Government has accepted the Welby case, is about to pass a law in favor of euthanasia, and is preparing to establish the PACS, all with arbitrary act by a minority of thought within the political majority.
The third problem concerns the rate of exchange and conflict of interest. The city now has a wallet and a wallet economic policy, the first for credit cards, cards for the second party. Politics and 'an instrument needed in the economy. If necessary, performs a card party at the right time, like a credit card policy that opens many doors. There are also elected mayors on the basis of informal agreements election, through meetings in which employees of certain companies provide deployed votes to the candidate, in return for economic favors while in office. The people want a job for his son to occur in advance of election day. Children of political gain privileged positions in major companies 'that Lady Luck will assign' major state contracts. Owners of agricultural land have their projects approved by the local building commission, in which bureaucratic virtuoso with the ground change the intended use, and the designer sits in the building commission. If they see all the colors, and is' more 'easy to carry on the conspiracy of silence' not to be buried by lawsuits, and Italy traveling as it always has.
do not deceive me, I 'of this Government, which has already' proved to be no better than the last, I 'Europe, which the Constitution has already' proved to be an oligarchy, if you could, would impose its own wills'. I think that in Italy, and Europe, it must 'work hard so that' the word "democracy" is not a sound without meaning. It 'important to have a liberal economy, where the individual and' free to do business without being crushed by the power political (with taxes and conflict of interest) or the economic power of private monopolies. These, in my opinion, are the two modern problems of Europe and Italy. I fear that the interests of the parties are too strong to allow the sovereign people the freedom his' political and economic. There is much work to do. There is space to do it.
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