Sunday, December 31, 2006

Lipstick On Your Collar Soundtrack

this right so the left.

Felt And you felt you did not shoot the pistolotto the defeat of the Western democracies at a time when Saddam is hung by the neck!?

it possible that starting with this beautiful fig Fini, a right not known to resist the temptation to embark on the boat of "politically correct"? Apparently they did it, my classmates and their intelligentsia, to make you feel an irresistible need to be cleared to progressive culture, the death penalty is the stuff of cowboy Texan, only nell'incivile Anglo-Saxon culture are still outdated concepts as well and evil, where good fights evil forever.

Only the simple-minded as the Americans were overwhelmingly approved the execution forgetting the division between Republicans and Democrats. In Italy, however, is the first fast to allow Welby's death and the day after save Pellacchia Executioner of Baghdad.
All agree with Berlusconi to Prodi in declaring his repulsion for the noose.

Certainly we would have preferred a raise under house arrest, surrounded by his faithful "resistance" that would certainly have found a way to enliven the long days of waiting to pay a pardon or a reduction of sentence for good behavior.

E 'distressing for me to see that even those in which we identify more when you go up to the level of moral values \u200b\u200band defend it is the sense of responsibility and sacrifice will not find better argument dell'abiura to affirm their "civil modernity. "

even right now we are ashamed to say that this was merely "an act of justice", just as the truculent Calderoli giving the green light, while all are to represent "moderate" in their troubled hypocritical respectability.

I hope the people know how often it happens to be the best of its representatives, and in the depths of their conscience to acknowledge that there must be a boundary beyond which you do not go and those who do pay their own pocket without discounts but no complacency by a human community that has every right to defend themselves from the madness of the individual.


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