Sunday, December 17, 2006

Instructions Vhs Vcr Orion

political fiction?

If it 's true that politics and' a science, then admits hypotheses, conjectures and theories, that 'can confirm or refute through experience. The best way to formulate theories, as taught by Galileo to Bacon, and 'to accept the facts and then sort them and draw from right. No political theory and 'perfect, there is always some inexplicable fact, that leads to a new theory. In the long run, one might even be convinced that the political and 'engineering rather than science, but should look good and say it out loud. If one then you grant a license on the correctness and completeness of the facts, it can 'formulate theories, however, as they may seem bizarre, they could be correct.

THEORY semiseria

Italy and 'a great company. I am not referring to the difficulty 'to live in, but the fact that, as each company has a chairman, a CEO, a financial adviser, un'entourage of executives and employees. At the end of the food chain, there are the "consumers". Like any company, even Italy has a "manual of policies and procedures." The policies specify what to do, and procedures describe how to do it. Policies shall be decided on the night in the dark, possibly because of the obscure shops. The only visible trace are the press releases. It 'important that each decision is viewed by the news of the 13 with the necessary emphasis and a sense of urgency, so that people believe us. The various political fun with the press to disseminate these decisions arbitrarily made possible under the influence of cocaine, and without any apparent connection with the campaign promises. Since 'not all politicians agree on everything, it is a conflict of interest on specific topics. The only issue on which it 's never existed any conflict and' pay increase at the beginning of the mandate, something on which everyone agrees and they decide that the first session Board of Directors. On everything else, is discussed more often, possibly on television, in any living room with comfortable armchairs by the presence of a butler-journalist. It 'important that the political will show a little' tired, so as to give the impression that power wears out. It 'also important to show in all its splendor, with fresh clothes tailoring in order to sell the most of their political product to the consumer audience. What matters is 'to confuse consumers with information Orwellian and Kafkaesque bureaucracy, so that it is helpless at the mercy' of power, and that his limited intelligence will always be nourished by false information, so that it is never able to understood, and that his will 'is the result of a consensus be implemented through appropriate engineering control of the media. The ultimate concern of the politician is not 'ever profit, as evident from the debt of the parties and the overall debt of the Company Italy. The interest of the political and 'to exercise the power, spending as much' money and the 'possible,' cause to greater advertising spending, especially during the election campaign, election, the higher revenue, and thus a greater weight on the Board . It matters little if the company and 'in debt and has no money for new payments, and' enough money to create new table, selling the debt as "government securities", making the debt public private debt. Again, information and Orwellian 'strategic and if the consumer came to know that its BOT and CCT are in fact' a slice of debt, demand their money back, all together, the company would go to Italy bankruptcy, and with it the entire policy.


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