Index of economic articles from October to December 2006
the financial statements (definition)
financial status of the average citizen
State Finance of the average citizen: expenditure: current account
financial status of the average citizen: charges payable:
State's financial
State Finance Italy: Charges: Politics
State Finance Italy: Costs: Software (Part 1)
State Finance Italy: Expenditure: Software (Part 2)
State Finance Italy: Asset: Alitalia's financial state
: Asset : Railways
State Finance Italy: Asset: SIAE
's financial state: Debts (Part 1)
State Finance Italy: Due (Part 2)
State's financial Competitiveness '
State's financial Competitiveness' (Sheffield and George Washington)
's financial state: Competitiveness' (ECB Yearbook 2006-12)
State's financial Competitiveness' (EITO Yearbook 2006)
State's financial Competitiveness' (ISTAT Yearbook 2006)
's financial state: competitiveness' (OECD Yearbook 2006)
State's financial Competitiveness' (WorldBankGroup Yearbook 2007)
State's financial Competitiveness' (Spain vs Italy)
Financial Plan Italy (2007, # 1)
Financial Plan Italy (2007, # 2)
Financial Plan Italy (2007, # 3) Financial Plan
Italy (2007, # 4) State's financial
: Credit Rating (Fitch)
State Finance Italy: Credit Rating (table)
Migration Flows Company
Final Report
The data suggest that Italy and not 'adequate to the new Information Age and the global marketplace. Italy is still living in the industrial era, with an economic policy whose only interest is' to maintain the status-quo of public extravagance at the expense of citizens and businesses. Italy and 'a country where there is control of the economy of the policy and big business investment, which work together to create economic barriers to the birth and survival of young companies free of affiliations. The authorities' competition and the market should be reformed. It 's not clear the source of all these problems, perhaps, the origin of everything and' the degree of financial intelligence of the average citizen, his ability 'to manage themselves, with indignation, to demand efficiency in public administration, and require an economic policy ethics, ie a policy that is aware and respectful of the boundary between democracy and autoritarianismo, real representative power and arbitrary power, between respect and abuse.
The purpose of my analysis and ' to assess whether Italy offers a favorable climate for economic survival and to my integrity 'civil. The data suggest that Italy's economic climate is not favorable, and there is no real dialogue between citizens and institutions.
In future articles, while maintaining an observatory on Italy, will draw up 'a ranking of OECD countries in which' can emigrate. Italy is not 'the only country in this condition, but it' s one of the worst. Is there a list in English of economic barriers in place in several countries. My goal 'to identify a country with good economic climate in which to put down roots, to have prosperity', and raise a family. Goodbye Italy.
Technorati Tags: Economia
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